Meta Data Services

Upgrading the Repository Engine

Repository engine 3.0 is the newest version of the repository engine. It supports new features that improve your ability to fully define information models and program against a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services repository.

Only one version of the repository engine can be installed on each computer. You can upgrade to version 3.0 to use the new features, or you can continue to use the version you already have installed. If you keep the previous version, you cannot upgrade a repository database. Use the newest version of the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) Open Information Model (OIM), or use the newest version of Extensible Markup Language (XML) interchange functionality.

The following table lists the versions of database, information models, and XML interchange formats that can be used with each repository engine.

Engine version Database version OIM version XML version
2.0 2.0 OIM 1.0 XML Interchange Format (XIF)
3.0 2.0 and 3.0 OIM 1.0 and MDC OIM XIF and MDC XML

How to Upgrade the Repository Engine

SQL Server 2000 uses repository engine 3.0 . As a result, upgrading to repository engine 3.0 is accomplished when you upgrade an existing SQL Server or create a new SQL Server 2000 installation.

To take advantage of new repository engine features, we recommend that you upgrade the repository database to the latest format. Upgrading adds tables and columns that support new features. For more information, see Upgrading and Migrating a Repository Database.

See Also

Repository Engine Modeling Enhancements

Repository Engine Programming Enhancements

Retaining Legacy Components in a Repository

Upgrading an Information Model

Upgrading from Earlier Versions

Using Repository Engine Features with Older Databases