OIM Resources and Documentation
This topic identifies important resources and documentation that can help you get started with the Open Information Model (OIM).
- The OIM is a formal specification that is extensively documented. OIM documentation is published by the Meta Data Coalition (MDC) and can be downloaded from the MDC Web site. It is also distributed with the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information about the OIM, see http://www.mdcinfo.com.
- The Meta Data Services SDK includes a version of the OIM, modeling documentation, and several resources to help you use and deploy the OIM right away. OIM resources include definition files for Microsoft Visual C++® and Microsoft Visual Basic®, Extensible Markup Language (XML) files, Interface Definition Language (IDL) files, and installation scripts for OIM models. For more information about the SDK, see Meta Data Services SDK.
See Also
Developing Applications Using Meta Data
Meta Data Coalition