Meta Data Services

Repository Properties Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify an upgrade option and view version information about the repository database. The name of the current repository database determines the name of the dialog box. For example, if the repository database name is DevTools, the dialog box name is DevTools Properties. If you open this dialog box from within Enterprise Manager, the dialog box name is Meta Data Services Properties.

This dialog box appears when you right-click a repository database and then click Properties.



The name of an installed instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000.


The name of the repository database.

Repository Database Version

Shows a version number and a point release number, if applicable. Version information identifies which version of the repository engine was used to create the database. The outcome of creating a database varies depending on the DBMS you are using. For a SQL Server database, creating a database causes SQL Server to create repository SQL tables in an empty database that you provide. For more information, see Connecting to a SQL Server Repository Database.


Updates repository SQL schema tables in a repository database so that you can use new repository engine features. After you upgrade a repository database, you cannot work with it using previous versions of the repository engine.
This button is enabled only when the database version is less than the current version of the repository engine.

See Also

Registering a Repository Database in Meta Data Browser

Repository SQL Schema

Upgrading from Earlier Versions