All of the resolvers in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 handle update conflicts, and where indicated, they also handle insert and delete conflicts. They all handle column tracking; most also handle row tracking. These and all other custom conflict resolvers declare the types of conflict they can handle, and the merge replication agent uses the default resolver for all other conflict types.
The following table describes the attributes of the specific resolvers. For information about how to specify the required input, see Specifying a Custom Resolver.
Name | Required Input | Description | Comments |
Microsoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be summed. It must have an arithmetic data type (such as int, smallint, numeric, and do on.). | Conflict winner determined from priority value. Specified column values set to sum of source and destination column values. If one is set to NULL, they are set to the value of the other column. | Supports update conflicts, column tracking only. |
Microsoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be averaged. It must have an arithmetic data type (such as int, smallint, numeric, and so on.). | Conflict winner determined from priority value. Resulting column values set to average of source and destination column values. If one is set to NULL, they are set to the value of the other column. | Supports update conflicts, column tracking only. |
Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be used to determine the conflict winner. It must have a DATETIME data type. | Column with the earlier datetime value determines the conflict winner. If one is set to NULL, the row containing the other is the winner. | Supports update conflicts, row, and column tracking. The column values are compared directly and an adjustment is not made for different time zones. |
Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be used to determine the conflict winner. It must have DATETIME data type. | Column with the later datetime value determines the conflict winner. If one is set to NULL, the row containing the other is the winner. | Supports update conflicts, row, and column tracking. |
Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be used to determine the conflict winner. It must have an arithmetic data type (such as int, smallint, numeric, and so on.). | Column with the larger numeric value determines the conflict winner. If one is set to NULL, the row containing the other is the winner. | Supports row and column tracking. |
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Conflict Resolver | No inputs. Text columns in conflict are merged. | Conflict winner determined from priority value. Text columns in conflict are set to merged value consisting of common prefix followed by unique part of source, newline character (linefeed), and then unique part of destination. | Supports update conflicts, column tracking only. |
Microsoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver | Name of the column to be used to determine the conflict winner. It must have a arithmetic data type (such as int, smallint, numeric, and so on.). | Column with the smaller numeric value determines the conflict winner. If one is set to NULL, the row containing the other is the winner. | Supports update conflicts, row, and column tracking. |
Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver | No inputs. No data type restrictions. | Subscriber, regardless of whether it is the source or destination, is the winner. | Supports all conflict types. |