
Replication Wizards

Microsoft® SQL Server™ includes replication wizards to simplify configuring and implementing replication. The replication wizards can be accessed in SQL Server Enterprise Manager. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click the appropriate wizard.

Configure Publishing and Distribution Wizard

Through the Configure Publishing and Distribution Wizard, you can:

Create Publication Wizard

Using the Create Publication Wizard, you can specify:

If you select the Show advanced options in this wizard check box on the Welcome page of the wizard, and you create a snapshot or transactional publication, you can specify the following:

Create Pull Subscription Wizard

The Create Pull Subscription Wizard allows you to initiate a subscription at a Subscriber and request data to be replicated from a Publisher. Through the Create Pull Subscription Wizard, you can:

Create Push Subscription Wizard

The Create Push Subscription Wizard allows you to specify at the Publisher what data you want replicated to specified Subscribers. Through the Create Push Subscription Wizard, you can:

Define Transformation of Published Data

The Define Transformation of Published Data Wizard is available after you have configured a publication to allow transformation of published data. This wizard allows you to create a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that defines data transformations. You can specify:

Note  DTS packages created in the Define Transformation of Published Data Wizard cannot be used outside of replication. However, DTS packages created independently of replication using DTS tools can be used to transform published data during replication.

Create Dynamic Snapshot Job Wizard

The Create Dynamic Snapshot Job Wizard guides you through creating a dynamic snapshot for dynamically filtered merge publications. In this wizard you can:

Note  You must generate a regular snapshot to the dynamically filtered merge publication before creating a dynamic snapshot.

Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard

The Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard allows you to disable publishing, distribution, or both on a server. You can also:

See Also

Configuring Replication

Disabling Publishing and Distribution

Dynamic Snapshots

Publishing Data and Database Objects

Subscribing to Publications

Transforming Published Data