
Replication Security

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 replication uses a combination of security methods to protect the data and business logic in your application.

Security Description
Role Requirements By mapping user logins to specific SQL Server 2000 roles, SQL Server 2000 allows users to perform only those replication and database activities authorized for that role. Replication grants certain permission to the sysadmin fixed server role, the db_owner fixed database role, the current login, and the public role.
Connecting to the Distributor SQL Server 2000 provides a secure administrative link between the Distributor and Publisher. Publishers can be treated as trusted or nontrusted.
Snapshot Folder Security With alternate snapshot locations, you can save your snapshot files to a location other than at the Distributor (for example, a network share, an FTP site, or removable media). When saving snapshots, ensure that replication agents have proper permission to write and read the snapshot files.
Publication Access Lists Publication access lists (PALs) allow you to determine which logins have access to publications. SQL Server 2000 creates the PAL with default logins, but you can add or delete logins from the list.
Agent Login Security SQL Server 2000 requires each user to supply a valid login account to connect to the server. Replication agents are required to use valid logins when connecting to Publishers, Distributors, and Subscribers. However, agents can also use different logins and security modes when connecting to different servers simultaneously.
Password Encryption Passwords used in SQL Server 2000 replication are encrypted automatically for greater security. 
Security and Replication Options Filtering replicated data can be used to increase data security, and there are additional security considerations when using dynamic snapshots, immediate updating, and queued updating.
Security and Replication Over the Internet Different types of replication over the Internet have different security levels. Additionally, when transferring replication files using FTP sites, precautions must be taken to secure the site and still make it accessible to replication agents.