
Data Needs and Characteristics

While examining the data that you are replicating, consider the following:

Character Sets

If replication is implemented between servers using different character sets, Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 does not convert any of the replicated data and may mistranslate the data as it is replicated because it is impossible to map all characters between character sets.

If you can guarantee that all characters you use will have identical codes on all code pages, replication would be successful, but it would not be guaranteed. Similarly, the comparison style specified by the collation you select can affect the accuracy of replicated transactions. To guarantee successful data replication, servers are best when configured using the same code pages and comparison styles.

Generally, if you have an environment where you have different character sets, you should consider using Unicode data types for which no conversion is necessary.

Data Types

When determining data to replicate, consider the data type. You should understand the following:

For example, suppose you are publishing data about customers and you do not choose the same collation scheme at the Publisher that is at the Subscriber. Data is then filtered based on state="Ca" for a particular Subscriber. The data that is published to the Subscriber may not be the data that you intended because of differences in collation. Choosing the same collation scheme is not required, and depending on your application requirements, you may want to choose a different collation scheme (for example, a Publisher might have data that is case-sensitive, but a Subscriber that is a reporting server may have data that is case-insensitive).