
Filtering Published Data

Horizontal, vertical, dynamic, and join filters enable you to create partitions of data to be published. By filtering published data, you can:

Row and column filters can be used with snapshot, transactional, and merge publications. Row filters use the WHERE clause of an SQL statement and restrict the rows included in a publication based on specific criteria. Column filters restrict the columns that are included in a publication.

Dynamic and join filters extend the capabilities of merge replication. Dynamic filters are row filters that use a function to retrieve a value from the Subscriber and filter data based on that value. The filter is defined once for a publication, but the qualifying result set can be different for each Subscriber and allows the user at a Subscriber to receive only the subset of data customized for their needs.

Join filters extend a row filter from one published table to another. A join filter defines a relationship between two tables that will be enforced during the merge process; it is similar to specifying a join between two tables.