
Viewing Agent History

The Replication Monitor Agent History dialog box displays a summary of the sessions of a selected agent. This is helpful when you need to examine recent agent activity, gauge performance quickly, or detect error trends. The amount of history information stored for a replication agent is determined by the distribution retention period and how often the History Clean Up Agent runs.

Agent history also includes several predefined filters on (or views of) session history, such as:

The following history columns are displayed in the Agent History dialog box.

Column Values
Status Success icon; Error icon; In Progress icon (only one session can be in progress at a given time).
#Actions Number of actions in each session.
Action Message If the session ended in an error, the highest level error reported.
Start Time Time this session was started.
End Time Time this session ended.
Duration Duration of the agent session.
Delivery Rate Ratio of delivered commands to the duration of the agent. If the agent is still running, this value reflects a cumulative count from the beginning of the session.
Latency Latency between when an action occurs at the Publisher and is propagated to the Subscriber. If the agent is still running, this value reflects a cumulative count from the beginning of the session. Not available for Snapshot Agent or Merge Agent.
# Trans Total number of transactions delivered during the agent session. Not available for Merge Agent.
# Cmds Total number of commands delivered during the agent session. Not available for Merge Agent.
Publisher_Inserts Number of inserts that occurred on the Publisher. Available only for Merge Agent.
Publisher_Updates Number of updates that occurred on the Publisher. Available only for Merge Agent.
Publisher_Deletes Number of deletes that occurred on the Publisher. Available only for Merge Agent.
Publisher_Conflicts Number of conflicts that occurred on the Publisher. Available only for Merge Agent.
Subscriber_Inserts Number of inserts that occurred on Subscribers. Available only for Merge Agent.
Subscriber_Updates Number of updates that occurred on Subscribers. Available only for Merge Agent.
Subscriber_Deletes Number of deletes that occurred on Subscribers. Available only for Merge Agent.
Subscriber_Conflicts Number of conflicts that occurred on Subscribers. Available only for Merge Agent.