
Replication Agent Utilities

You can use the replication command prompt utilities to configure and start replication agent activity. Command prompt utilities are installed automatically with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000. The replication agent files are located under \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Com. This table lists the replication utility names and file names.

Command Prompt Utility File Name
Replication Snapshot Agent Utility snapshot.exe
Replication Distribution Agent Utility distrib.exe
Replication Log Reader Agent Utility logread.exe
Replication Queue Reader Agent Utility qrdrsvc.exe
Replication Merge Agent Utility replmerg.exe

Note  You can modify agent settings by changing the command line available for each agent when administering replication agents through Replication Monitor. To access that command line, right-click a specific agent, click Agent Properties, click the Steps tab, and then double-click the Run Agent step.

For more information, see Getting Started with Command Prompt Utilities.