
Log Reader Agent Profile

A default profile for the Log Reader Agent is installed when a server is configured as a Distributor. The default profile contains the following parameters and values.

Default Value
-HistoryVerboseLevel 1 The amount of history logged during a log reader operation can be:

1 = Always update a previous history message of the same status (startup, progress, success, and so forth). If no previous record with the same status exists, insert a new record.
2 = Insert new history records unless the record is for such things as idle messages or long-running job messages, in which case update the previous records.

You can minimize the performance effect of history logging by selecting 1.

-LoginTimeOut 15 The number of seconds before the login attempted by the agent times out.
-PollingInterval 10 The number of seconds the log is queried for replicated transactions.
-QueryTimeOut 300 The number of seconds before the queries issued by the agent times out.
-ReadBatchSize 500 The maximum number of transactions read out of the source. For the Log Reader Agent, the source is the transaction log of the publishing database.
-ReadBatchThreshold 100 The number of replication commands to be read from the transaction log before being issued to the Subscriber by the Distribution Agent.