This section includes the data type mappings for Subscribers running DB2/NT or DB2/6000 as well as the driver types needed for ODBC Subscribers.
IBM DB2/NT subscriptions to Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 publications are supported through the OLE DB provider and ODBC driver that are included with Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000.
The following table maps SQL Server 2000 data types to IBM DB2/NT data types. When you replicate to OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers, the distribution task maps SQL Server 2000 data types to the closest data type on the target database.
SQL Server 2000 data type | IBM DB2/NT data type |
binary(n) | CHAR(254) FOR BIT DATA NOT NULL |
bit | SMALLINT |
char(n) | CHAR (254) NOT NULL |
datetime | TIMESTAMP |
decimal | DECIMAL |
double precision | DOUBLE |
float | FLOAT |
image | VARCHAR(4000) FOR BIT DATA |
money | DECIMAL(19, 4) |
numeric | NUMERIC |
real | REAL |
smalldatetime | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL |
smallmoney | DECIMAL(10, 4) |
text | VARCHAR (4000) |
timestamp | CHAR(8) FOR BIT DATA) |
uniqueidentifier | CHAR (38) |
varbinary(n) | VARCHAR(4000) FOR BIT DATA NOT NULL |
varchar(n) | VARCHAR (4000) NOT NULL |
IBM DB2/6000 subscriptions to MSQL Server 2000 publications are supported through the OLE DB provider and ODBC driver that are included with Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000.
The following table maps SQL Server 2000 data types to IBM DB2/6000 data types. When you replicate to OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers, the distribution task maps SQL Server 2000 data types to the closest data type on the target database.
SQL Server 2000 data type | IBM DB2/6000 data type |
binary(n) | CHAR(254) FOR BIT DATA NOT NULL |
char(n) | CHAR (254) NOT NULL |
Datetime | TIMESTAMP |
Decimal | NUMERIC (28, 14) NOT NULL |
Image | VARCHAR(4000) FOR BIT DATA |
Money | DECIMAL(19, 4) |
Numeric | NUMERIC |
Real | REAL |
Smalldatetime | TIMESTAMP NOT NULL |
Smallint | SMALLINT |
Smallmoney | DECIMAL (10, 4) NOT NULL, |
Text | VARCHAR (4000) |
Timestamp | CHAR(8) FOR BIT DATA |
Uniqueidentifier | CHAR (38) |
varbinary(n) | VARCHAR(4000) FOR BIT DATA NOT NULL |
varchar(n) | VARCHAR (4000) NOT NULL |
ODBC drivers and OLE DB providers for various heterogeneous data sources are included on the SQL Server 2000 compact disc.
Drivers for other ODBC Subscriber types must conform to the SQL Server 2000 replication requirements for generic ODBC Subscribers. The ODBC driver:
SQL Server 2000 replication can use OLE DB interfaces to execute SQL statements at Subscribers using the ICommand interface. OLE DB providers must support these objects for transactional replication:
The following interfaces are required to connect to a data source:
If the provider supports the IDBInfo interface, SQL Server 2000 uses the interface to retrieve information such as the quoted identifier character, maximum SQL statement length, and maximum number of characters in table and column names.
The following interfaces are required:
The following interfaces are required:
IAccessor is necessary to create parameter accessors. If the provider supports IColumnRowset, SQL Server 2000 uses that interface to determine whether a column is an identity column.
The following interfaces are required:
An application should open a rowset on a replicated table that is created in the subscribing database. IColumnsInfo and IAccessor are needed to access data in the rowset.
Use the following interfaces to manage errors:
Use ISQLErrorInfo if it is supported by the OLE DB provider.
For more information about the OLE DB provider, see the documentation supplied with your OLE DB provider.
Note The primary source of information regarding the use of OLE DB is the OLE DB Programmer's Reference Version 2.0 available with the OLE DB Software Development Kit (SDK).