This is the definition of the DISTCOMMANDDESC structure.
typedef struct tagDISTCOMMANDDESC{
INT PublicationID;
INT ArticleID;
INT CommandID;
BOOL fPartialCommand;
LPSTR szCommand;
BYTE* pXactID;
BYTE* pXactSeqno;
LPSTR szOriginator;
LPSTR szOriginatorDB;
Part | Description |
PublicationID | Publication ID. |
ArticleID | Article ID. |
CommandID | Uniquely identifies commands within a transaction. Each command added to a transaction should have a unique, monotonically increasing command ID. |
CommandType | Identifies the type of the command. The Microsoft® SQL Server™ Distribution Agent can handle the following command types:
fPartialCommand | Determines whether the command wraps more than one row. |
szCommand | Command text. |
pXactID | Pointer to the transaction ID. |
pXactSeqno | Pointer to the transaction sequence number. |
szOriginator | Name of the originating server. |
szOriginatorDB | Name of the originating database. |