Replication Programming

Run Method

The Run method executes the replication process using the control properties.

Applies To

SQLDistribution Object

SQLMerge Object

SQLSnapshot Object



Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


The control must call Initialize before calling the Run method.

In Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Run is a Sub method and does not return a value.

Prototype (C/C++)


Return code Description
S_OK Method succeeded.
E_FAIL General failure occurred. Check error records for detailed information.
REPLX_E_DEADLOCK Deadlock occurred.
REPLX_E_RETRYFAILURE Failure occurred that might require retrying the last operation.
REPLX_S_VALIDATIONFAILED Validation failure occurred.
REPLX_S_CONFLICTSOCCURRED Conflicts occurred while merging changes (SQLMerge object only).

See Also

Developing Replication Applications Using ActiveX Controls