Replication Programming

CopySubscription Method

The CopySubscription method copies the entire subscription database to the file location specified by the parameter.

Applies To

SQLDistribution Object

SQLMerge Object


object.CopySubscription filespec

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
filespec File name and path to which subscription database is copied.


CopySubscription copies a specially prepared database subscription file (typically with an .msf extension) to a Subscriber, attaches it, and receives an immediately synchronized subscription at the original Publisher. CopySubscription creates the .msf file. Use the AddSubscription method with the ATTACH_SUBSCRIPTION option to create the new subscription from the .msf file.

You can use the CopySubscription method to copy a subscription database that contains more than one subscription.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT CopySubscription(BSTR bstrSubscriptionFileName);

See Also

AddSubscription Method

DropSubscription Method