Optimizing Database Performance

Index Tuning Recommendations

Indexes can be dropped, added, and changed without affecting the database schema or application design. Efficient index design is paramount to achieving good performance. For these reasons, you should not hesitate to experiment with different indexes. The Index Tuning Wizard can be used to analyze your queries and suggest the indexes that should be created. For more information, see Index Tuning Wizard.

The query optimizer in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 reliably chooses the most effective index in the majority of cases. The overall index design strategy should provide a good selection of indexes to the query optimizer and trust it to make the right decision. This reduces analysis time and results in good performance over a wide variety of situations.

Do not always equate index usage with good performance, and vice-versa. If using an index always produced the best performance, the job of the query optimizer would be simple. In reality, incorrect choice of indexed retrieval can result in less than optimal performance. Therefore, the task of the query optimizer is to select indexed retrieval only when it will improve performance and to avoid indexed retrieval when it will affect performance.

Recommendations for creating indexes include:

See Also

Statistical Information