Optimizing Database Performance

Analyzing a Query

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 offers these ways to present information on how it navigates tables and uses indexes to access the data for a query:

When you display the execution plan, the statements you submit to the server are not executed; instead, SQL Server analyzes the query and displays how the statements would have been executed as a series of operators.

Note  Because statements are not executed when the execution plan is displayed, Transact-SQL operations such as creating a table do not cause the table to be created. Therefore, subsequent operations involving the table return errors because the table does not exist.

The best execution plan used by the query engine for individual data manipulation language (DML) and Transact-SQL statements is displayed, and reveals compile-time information about stored procedures, triggers invoked by a batch, and called stored procedures and triggers invoked to an arbitrary number of calling levels. For example, executing a SELECT statement can show that SQL Server uses a table scan to obtain the data. Alternatively, an index scan may have been used instead if the index was determined to be a faster method of retrieving the data from the table.

The results returned by the SHOWPLAN_TEXT and SHOWPLAN_ALL statements are a tabular representation (rows and columns) of a tree structure. The execution plan tree structure uses one row in the result set for each node in the tree, each node representing a logical or physical operator used to manipulate the data to produce expected results. SQL Query Analyzer instead graphically displays each logical and physical operator as an icon. For more information, see Logical and Physical Operators.