OLE DB and SQL Server

Catalog Stored Procedures

To support reporting of schema data, Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 client interfaces rely on system stored procedures that extract data from a server's catalog. As client software evolves, the catalog stored procedures also evolve.

When a SQLOLEDB consumer connects to SQL Server version 6.5, SQLOLEDB returns an informational error message stating that the catalog stored procedures are out of date.

SQLOLEDB is compatible with earlier versions of SQL Server. However, not all schema rowsets are supported on earlier versions of SQL Server unless the catalog stored procedures are upgraded to the current release level.

To upgrade the catalog stored procedures, use an appropriate client utility to run the Transact-SQL Instcat.sql script that ships with the most recent version of SQLOLEDB. Instcat.sql requires system administrator privilege.

Depending on the version of the server, Instcat.sql execution can generate many error messages. All generated errors can be safely ignored if the final line of execution output indicates success.