A session delimits transaction scope for a SQLOLEDB local transaction. When, at the direction of a consumer, SQLOLEDB submits a request to a connected Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 instance, the request constitutes a unit of work for SQLOLEDB. Local transactions always wrap one or more units of work on a single SQLOLEDB session.
Using the default SQLOLEDB autocommit mode, a single unit of work is treated as the scope of a local transaction. Only one unit participates in the local transaction. When a session is created, SQLOLEDB begins a transaction for the session. Upon successful completion of a work unit, the work is committed. On failure, any work begun is rolled back and the error is reported to the consumer. In either case, SQLOLEDB begins a new local transaction for the session so that all work is conducted within a transaction.
The SQLOLEDB consumer can direct more precise control over local transaction scope by using the ITransactionLocal interface. When a consumer session initiates a transaction, all session work units between the transaction start point and the eventual Commit or Abort method calls are treated as an atomic unit. SQLOLEDB implicitly begins a transaction when directed to do so by the consumer. If the consumer does not request retention, the session reverts to parent transaction-level behavior, most commonly autocommit mode.
SQLOLEDB supports ITransactionLocal::StartTransaction parameters as follows.
Parameter | Description |
IsoFlags | SQLOLEDB returns an error for any value other than zero. |
POtherOptions | If not NULL, SQLOLEDB requests the options object from the interface. SQLOLEDB returns XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT if the options object's ulTimeout member is not zero. SQLOLEDB ignores the value of the szDescription member. |
PulTransactionLevel | If not NULL, SQLOLEDB returns the nested level of the transaction. |
For local transactions, SQLOLEDB implements ITransaction::Abort parameters as follows.
Parameter | Description |
pboidReason | Ignored if set. Can safely be NULL. |
Fretaining | When TRUE, a new transaction is implicitly begun for the session. The transaction must be committed or terminated by the consumer. When FALSE, SQLOLEDB reverts to autocommit mode for the session. |
Fasync | Asynchronous abort is not supported by SQLOLEDB. SQLOLEDB returns XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED if the value is not FALSE. |
For local transactions, SQLOLEDB implements ITransaction::Commit parameters as follows.
Parameter | Description |
fRetaining | When TRUE, a new transaction is implicitly begun for the session. The transaction must be committed or terminated by the consumer. When FALSE, SQLOLEDB reverts to autocommit mode for the session. |
GrfTC | Asynchronous and phase one returns are not supported by SQLOLEDB. SQLOLEDB returns XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED for any value other than XACTTC_SYNC. |
GrfRM | Must be 0. |
SQLOLEDB rowsets on the session are preserved on a local commit or abort operation based on the values of the rowset properties DBPROP_ABORTPRESERVE and DBPROP_COMMITPRESERVE. By default, these properties are both VARIANT_FALSE and all SQLOLEDB rowsets on the session are lost following an abort or commit operation.
SQLOLEDB does not implement the ITransactionObject interface. A consumer attempt to retrieve a reference on the interface returns E_NOINTERFACE.
This example uses ITransactionLocal.
// Interfaces used in the example.
IDBCreateSession* pIDBCreateSession = NULL;
ITransaction* pITransaction = NULL;
IDBCreateCommand* pIDBCreateCommand = NULL;
IRowset* pIRowset = NULL;
// Get the command creation and local transaction interfaces for the
// session.
if (FAILED(hr = pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession(NULL,
IID_IDBCreateCommand, (IUnknown**) &pIDBCreateCommand)))
// Process error from session creation. Release any references and
// return.
if (FAILED(hr = pIDBCreateCommand->QueryInterface(IID_ITransactionLocal,
(void**) &pITransaction)))
// Process error. Release any references and return.
// Start the local transaction.
if (FAILED(hr = ((ITransactionLocal*) pITransaction)->StartTransaction(
// Process error from StartTransaction. Release any references and
// return.
// Get data into a rowset, then update the data. Functions are not
// illustrated in this example.
if (FAILED(hr = ExecuteCommand(pIDBCreateCommand, &pIRowset)))
// Release any references and return.
// If rowset data update fails, then terminate the transaction, else
// commit. The example doesn't retain the rowset.
if (FAILED(hr = UpdateDataInRowset(pIRowset, bDelayedUpdate)))
// Get error from update, then terminate.
pITransaction->Abort(NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
if (FAILED(hr = pITransaction->Commit(FALSE, XACTTC_SYNC, 0)))
// Get error from failed commit.
if (FAILED(hr))
// Update of data or commit failed. Release any references and
// return.
// Release any references and continue.