OLE DB and SQL Server

Enabling a Session for IRowsetFastLoad

The consumer notifies SQLOLEDB of its need for bulk copy by setting the SQLOLEDB provider-specific data source property SSPROP_ENABLEFASTLOAD to VARIANT_TRUE. With the property set on the data source, the consumer creates a SQLOLEDB session. The new session allows consumer access to the IRowsetFastLoad interface.

Enabling a session for bulk copy constrains SQLOLEDB support for interfaces on the session. A bulk copy-enabled session exposes only the following interfaces:

To disable the creation of bulk copy-enabled rowsets and cause the SQLOLEDB session to revert to standard processing, reset SSPROP_ENABLEFASTLOAD to VARIANT_FALSE.

Fastload sessions are not available with IDataInitialize (part of OLE DB service components).

To bulk copy data using IRowsetFastLoad