Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services supplies a number of functions which retrieve and manipulate statistical information from a data mining model.
The following topics discuss these functions in greater detail.
Function | Description |
BottomCount | Returns a table containing a specified number of bottommost rows in increasing order of rank based on a rank expression. |
BottomPercent | Returns a table containing the smallest number of bottommost rows, in increasing order of rank based on a rank expression, that meet a specified percent expression. |
BottomSum | Returns a table containing the smallest number of bottommost rows, in increasing order of rank based on a rank expression, that meet a specified sum expression. |
Cluster | For clustering data mining models, returns the cluster identifier containing the highest probability of the input case. |
ClusterDistance | Returns the distance between the input case and the center of the cluster that has the highest probability. |
ClusterProbability | Returns the probability that the input case belongs to the cluster that has the highest probability. |
Predict | Performs a prediction based on a specified column. |
PredictAdjustedProbability | Retrieves the adjusted probability of the topmost histogram entry for a specified column. |
PredictHistogram | Retrieves a table representing the histogram for a specified column. |
PredictProbability | Retrieves the probability of the topmost histogram entry for a specified column. |
PredictStdev | Retrieves the standard deviation value of the topmost histogram entry for a specified column. |
PredictSupport | Retrieves the support value of the topmost histogram entry for a specified column. |
PredictVariance | Retrieves the variance value of the topmost histogram entry for a specified column. |
RangeMax | Retrieves the upper value of the predicted bucket discovered for a specified discretized column. |
RangeMid | Retrieves the midpoint value of the predicted bucket discovered for a specified discretized column. |
RangeMin | Retrieves the lower value of the predicted bucket discovered for a specified discretized column. |
Sub-SELECT | Returns a table from a specified table expression. |
TopCount | Returns a table containing a specified number of topmost rows in a decreasing order of rank based on a rank expression. |
TopPercent | Returns a table containing the smallest number of topmost rows, in a decreasing order of rank based on a rank expression, that meet a specified percent expression. |
TopSum | Returns a table containing the smallest number of topmost rows, in a decreasing order of rank based on a rank expression, that meet a specified sum expression. |