This property provides a bitmask that specifies how multidimensional schema object names are qualified in
MDX Object Qualification
This read-only property determines how a provider qualifies object names.
The following table describes the function of each bit in this property.
Bit | Description |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_DATASOURCE | Cubes are qualified by data source name. |
MDPROPVAL_MCQ_CATALOG | Cubes are qualified by catalog name. |
MDPROPVAL_MCQ_SCHEMA | Cubes are qualified by schema name. If the MDPROPVAL_MOQ_DATASOURCEMDPROPVAL_MCQ_CATALOG bits are not set, the provider does not support cube qualification. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_CUBE_DIM | Dimensions are qualified by cube name. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_DIM_HIER | Hierarchies are qualified by dimension name. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_DIMHIER_LEVEL | Levels are qualified by dimension name and/or hierarchy name. This property applies only if the provider supports named levels. The MDPROP_NAMED_LEVELS bit of this property indicates whether named levels are supported. |
MDPROP_NAMED_LEVELS | This bit is set if named levels are not supported. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_DIMHIER_MEMBER | Members are qualified by dimension name and/or hierarchy name. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_LEVEL_MEMBER | Members are qualified by level name. |
MDPROPVAL_MOQ_MEMBER_MEMBER | Members are qualified by ancestor name(s). |
PivotTable® Service and Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services set the following bitmask for this property:
The client application cannot change the value of this property.