Analysis Services Programming

Secured Cell Value Property

This property determines the value returned for secured cells.

Property Name

Secured Cell Value

Property ID



Depending on the value you set for the Secured Cell Value property, queries that attempt to access a secured cell can return a specified error code and content for the Value and Formatted Value properties of the cell. The following table lists possible values you can set for the Secured Cell Value property and the error code and cell property values returned as a result of each setting.

Value Definition
0 Default. For compatibility with earlier versions, this means the same as Value 1. The meaning of this default value is subject to change in future versions.

The Value property of the cell contains the result as a variant data type. The string "#N/A" is returned in the Formatted Value property.

2 An error is returned as the value of HRESULT.
3 NULL is returned in both the Value and Formatted Value properties.
4 A numerical zero (0) is returned in the Value property, and a formatted zero is returned in the Formatted Value property. For example, 0.00 is returned in the Formatted Value property for a cell whose format property is "#.##".
5 The string "#SEC" is returned in both the Value and Formatted Value properties.

For more information, see Security in PivotTable Service.

Important  This property interacts with the execution location of the query. In some cases, the value of the Execution Location property may override the Secured Cell Value connection string property. For example, if the Execution Location property is set to Isolated Mode, a query that involves cells for which the user does not have read permissions will return #N/A even if the Secured Cell Value property has been set to 2, 3, 4, or 5. For more information about isolation levels, see Isolation Levels and the OLE DB documentation.

See Also

Execution Location Property