Analysis Services Programming

Redistributing Components

PivotTable® Service includes a number of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that you may need to ship with a client application. Any individual client application may need a combination of these components, depending on the PivotTable Service features it uses.

File set Component files
1 Msolap80.dll, Msolui80.dll, Msolap80.rll, Olapuir.rll, and Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC)
2 File Set 1 plus Msmdcb80.dll, Msmdgd80.dll, and an appropriate OLE DB tabular data provider
3 File Set 1 plus Msdmine.dll, Msmdun80.dll, Msdmine.rll, and Msdmeng.dll

The following table shows which file set to use based on which tasks you want your client application to perform.

Task File set
Communicate with the Analysis server using TCP/IP or HTTP and read local cube files 1
Create and refresh local cubes 2
Read OLAP and relational data mining models 3

You must install MDAC before you install PivotTable Service. File sets 2 and 3 can be combined if the entire suite of components is desired. If you install PivotTable Service with Microsoft Windows® 95, you must install distributed COM (DCOM) before you install MDAC. For more information about distributing and installing MDAC, see the MSDN® Library at the Microsoft Web site.

Installing and Registering Components

You can create your own setup program to install and register the redistribution component files and prerequisite Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC) files. Alternatively, you can use one of the setup programs provided on the SQL Server™ 2000 CD-ROM. These setup programs are described in Redistribution Setup Programs later in this topic.

The PivotTable Service files, with the exception of the resource files (files with an extension of .rll), must be installed to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB

After the required components have been installed, the following components must also be registered using Regsvr32.exe or their own DLLSelfRegister functions:

The English Language versions of the resource files, Msolap80.rll, Olapuir.rll and Msdmine.rll, must be installed to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB\Resources\1033

If you are shipping a localized product, you must install both the English and the localized versions of these files and place them in their appropriate resource directories. For example, if you are shipping a German version of your product, you must install the German versions of the resource files in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB\Resources\1046

When registering DLLs, observe the following dependencies:

Msvbvm60.dll is a Microsoft Visual Basic® run-time library, and Wininet.dll contains the Internet automation run-time library. Both are installed in the C:\Windows\System or C:\Winnt\System32 directory.

Note  You can use the Depends.exe utility to see the full set of external dependencies for these DLLs. This utility is available in either the Windows NT® 4.0 Resource Kit or the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit.

Installation Registry Settings

For the purposes of installing and uninstalling, all PivotTable Service files should be considered shared files. Create a registry value for each PivotTable Service file under the following registry key:


If this registry value (known as the reference counter) already exists, it should be incremented by one during installation of the PivotTable Service files. During removal of the PivotTable Service files, the reference counter should be decremented by one. The PivotTable Service files should not be deleted if the corresponding reference counter is greater than zero.

Redistribution Setup Programs

Two setup programs, Ptslite.exe and Ptsfull.exe, are provided on the SQL Server 2000 CD-ROM, in the folder \Msolap\Install\Pts. Ptslite.exe installs the PivotTable Service files only; Ptsfull.exe installs the PivotTable Service files and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).

In addition to two required parameters, both Ptslite.exe and Ptsfull.exe use the same optional command line parameters as the Analysis Services Setup program. The required parameters, which must be the first parameters on the command line, are -s and -a. Optional parameters follow these required parameters. For example, to use Ptslite.exe to perform a silent installation of the PivotTable Service files, the command is:

Ptslite -s -a –s –f1Setup.iss ...

For more information, see Setup Parameters and Silent Installation.


Ptslite.exe installs the following PivotTable Service files.

atl.dll msdmeng.dll msdmine.dll
msmdcb80.dll mdmdgd80.dll msolap80.dll
msolui80.dll msmdcube.dll msmdgdrv.dll
msolap.dll msolapui.dll msdmine.rll
msolap80.rll olapuir.rll msvbvm60.dll
msmdun80.dll msolapr.dll  


Ptsfull.exe installs the same files as Ptslite.exe, and also the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).