Analysis Services Programming

SourceColumnType (Measure Interface)

The SourceColumnType property of the Measure interface identifies the type of data found in the measure object's SourceColumn property.

Applies To




Data Type


For more information about the ADODB.DataTypeEnum enumeration, see the Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) documentation.

SourceColumnType is set to one of the following values.

Column type Value
Big Integer adBigInt
Binary adBinary
Boolean adBoolean
String (Unicode) adBSTR
Char adChar
Currency adCurrency
Date adDate
Date adDBDate
Time adDBTime
Date & Time adDBTimeStamp
Decimal adDecimal
Double adDouble
Integer adInteger
Numeric adNumeric
Single adSingle
Small Integer adSmallInt
Tiny Integer adTinyInt
Unsigned Big Integer adUnsignedBigInt
Unsigned Integer adUnsignedInt
Unsigned Small Integer adUnsignedSmallInt
Unsigned Tiny Integer adUnsignedTinyInt
Char (Unicode) adWChar
Text adChar


Access depends on the value of the ClassType property of the object.

Class type Access
clsAggregationMeasure R
clsCubeMeasure R/W*
clsPartitionMeasure R

* Read-only for virtual cube measures and measures in fully created linked cubes.


The SourceColumnType property works in conjunction with the SourceColumn property. Be sure to specify a SourceColumn and SourceColumnType for each measure you create for a cube.

The SourceColumnType property for a measure within a virtual cube is inherited from the measure in the underlying regular cube and cannot be changed.

Note  You must reference the ADO library in your project to use the ADODB.DataTypeEnum enumeration.

Specifying the SourceColumnType Property

Use the following code to specify and read a value for the SourceColumnType property:

'Assume an object (dsoCubeMea) of ClassType clsCubeMeasure exists
dsoCubeMea.ColumnType = adCurrency
Dim ColType As ADODB.DataTypeEnum
ColType = dsoCubeMea.ColumnType
Select Case ColType
   Case adDouble
        ' commands for adDouble
   Case adSingle
        ' commands for adSingle
   Case Else
        ' other commands
End Select

See Also

Measure Interface
