Analysis Services Programming

Methods, MDStore Interface

The MDStore interface supports the following methods.

Method Description
BeginTrans Begins a transaction on a database.
Clone Copies an existing object to a target object of the same class type.
CommitTrans Commits a transaction.
LockObject Locks an object to prevent multiple users from concurrently changing the object. This method is administered through the Command interface.
Merge Merges two partitions.
Process Processes an MDStore object.
Rollback Rolls back a transaction.
UnlockObject Unlocks a previously locked object.
Update Updates the definition of an object in the meta data repository.

Method/Class Cross-Reference

The following table shows the implementation of methods by object. X indicates applicable; n/a indicates not applicable.

Method Database Cube Partition Aggregation
BeginTrans X n/a n/a n/a
Clone X X X X
CommitTrans X n/a n/a n/a
LockObject X X X n/a
Merge n/a n/a X n/a
Process X X X n/a
Rollback X n/a n/a n/a
UnlockObject X X X n/a
Update X X X n/a

See Also

MDStore Interface