The MDStore interface supports the following collections.
Collection | Description |
Commands | The collection of user-defined commands or sequence of commands |
CustomProperties | The collection of user-defined properties |
DataSources | The collection of objects specifying a data provider |
Dimensions | The collection that holds the dimension definitions for an object |
MDStores | The collection that holds MDStore objects |
Measures | The collection that holds the measures |
MiningModels | The collection of data mining models contained within a database |
Roles | The collection that holds the user role definitions for a database |
The following table shows the class types of the objects that each collection can contain.
Collection | Class type of contained objects |
Commands | clsCubeCommand clsDatabaseCommand |
CustomProperties | Property |
DataSources | clsDataSource |
Dimensions | clsAggregationDimension clsCubeDimension clsDatabaseDimension clsPartitionDimension |
MDStores | clsAggregation clsCube clsDatabase clsPartition |
Measures | clsAggregationMeasure clsCubeMeasure clsPartitionMeasure |
MiningModels | clsMiningModel |
Roles | clsCubeRole clsDatabaseRole clsMiningModelRole |
The following table shows whether a collection is read/write (R/W), read-only (R), or not applicable (n/a) for each of the MDStore objects.
Collection | clsDatabase | clsCube | clsPartition | clsAggregation |
Commands | R/W | R/W | n/a | n/a |
Custom Properties |
R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W |
DataSources | R/W | R/W* | R/W | n/a |
Dimensions | R/W | R/W | R | R |
MDStores | R/W | R/W | R/W | R |
Measures | n/a | R/W | R | R |
MiningModels | R/W | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Roles | R/W | R/W | n/a | n/a |
*This property is not applicable (n/a) for virtual cubes (that is, those of SubClassType sbclsVirtual).