Analysis Services Programming


Enumerates values for the LevelType property.

Constant Description
levAccount Indicates that a level exists within an account dimension.
levAll Indicates the top (All) level of a dimension (the one that precalculates all the members of all lower levels).
levBOMResource Indicates that a level is part of a bill of materials dimension.
levChannel Indicates that a level exists within a distribution channel dimension.
levCompany Indicates that a level contains information about a company.
levCurrencyDestination Indicates that a level contains information about the resulting currency after a foreign exchange conversion.
levCurrencySource Indicates that a level contains information about the starting currency before a foreign exchange conversion.
levCustomer Indicates that a level contains information about an individual customer.
levCustomerGroup Indicates that a level contains information about a customer group.
levCustomerHousehold Indicates that a level contains information about an entire household.
levGeoCity Indicates that a level refers to a city name.
levGeoContinent Indicates that a level refers to a continent name.
levGeoCountry Indicates that a level refers to a country name.
levGeoCounty Indicates that a level refers to a county name.
levGeoPoint Indicates that a level refers to a location type that does not fit into the other geographic categories.
levGeoPostalCode Indicates that a level refers to a postal code.
levGeoRegion Indicates that a level refers to a custom-defined region.
levGeoStateOrProvince Indicates that a level refers to a state or province name.
levOrgUnit Indicates that a level refers to the name of a unit within a larger organization.
levPerson Indicates that a level refers to an individual within a larger organization.
levProduct Indicates that a level refers to an individual product.
levProductGroup Indicates that a level refers to a product group.
levPromotion Indicates that a level refers to a promotion.
levQuantitative Indicates that a level refers to a quantitative member within a quantitative dimension.
levRegular Indicates that the level is not related to time.
levRepresentative Indicates that a level refers to a sales representative.
levScenario Indicates that a level refers to a scenario.
levTimeDays Indicates that a level refers to days. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeHalfYears Indicates that a level refers to half-years. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeHours Indicates that a level refers to hours. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeMinutes Indicates that a level refers to minutes. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeMonths Indicates that a level refers to months. Must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeQuarters Indicates that a level refers to (calendar) quarters. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeSeconds Indicates that a level refers to seconds. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeUndefined Indicates that a level refers to an indeterminate or nonstandard measurement of time. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeWeeks Indicates that a level refers to weeks. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levTimeYears Indicates that a level refers to years. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime.
levUtility Indicates that a level refers to a calculated member in a utility dimension.