Enumerates the values used in the PropertyType property.
Constant | Description |
propAddress | Address |
propAddressBuilding | Address - building number |
propAddressCity | Address city |
propAddressCountry | Address country |
propAddressFax | Address facsimile number |
propAddressFloor | Address floor number |
propAddressHouse | Address house number |
propAddressPhone | Address telephone number |
propAddressQuarter | Address quarter |
propAddressRoom | Address room number |
propAddressStateorProvice | Address state or province |
propAddressStreet | Address street name |
propAddressZip | Address postal code |
propCaption | Caption |
propCaptionAbreviation | Caption abbreviation |
propCaptionDescription | Caption description |
propCaptionShort | Caption short name |
PropDate | Date |
propDateCanceled | Date canceled date |
propDateDuration | Date duration date |
propDateEnded | Date end date |
propDateModified | Date modified date |
propDateStart | Date start date |
propFormattingColor | Format color |
propFormattingFont | Format font name |
propFormattingFontEffects | Format font effects |
propFormattingFontSize | Format font size |
propFormattingOrder | Format sort order |
propFormattingSubTotal | Format subtotal |
propGeoBoundaryBottom | Geographical boundary bottom |
propGeoBoundaryFront | Geographical boundary front |
propGeoBoundaryLeft | Geographical boundary left |
propGeoBoundaryPolygon | Geographical boundary polygon |
propGeoBoundaryRear | Geographical boundary rear |
propGeoBoundaryRight | Geographical boundary right |
propGeoBoundaryTop | Geographical boundary top |
propGeoCentroidX | Geographical boundary X centroid |
propGeoCentroidY | Geographical boundary Y centroid |
propGeoCentroidZ | Geographical boundary Z centroid |
propID | Property ID |
propOrgTitle | Property organizational title |
propPersonContact | Person contact person |
propPersonDemographic | Person demographic information |
propPersonFirstName | Person first name |
propPersonFullName | Person full name |
propPersonLastName | Person last name |
propPersonMiddleName | Person middle name |
propPhysicalColor | Physical property color |
propPhysicalDensity | Physical property density |
propPhysicalDepth | Physical property depth |
propPhysicalHeight | Physical property height |
propPhysicalSize | Physical property size |
propPhysicalVolume | Physical property volume |
propPhysicalWeight | Physical property weight |
propPhysicalWidth | Physical property width |
propQtyRangeHigh | Quantity high end of range |
propQtyRangeLow | Quantity low end of range |
propRegular | Regular (default) |
propRelationToParent | Relationship to parent |
propSequence | Sequence |
propVersion | Version |
propWebHTML | HTML information |
propWebMailAlias | E-mail address |
propWebURL | URL address |
propWebXMLorXSL | XML or XSL information |