Analysis Services Programming


Enumerates error codes. Use this enumerator to determine the meaning of a returned error code in Decision Support Objects (DSO).

Constant Description
mderrAcceptError An internal error has occurred on the specified Analysis server.
mderrAcquireCreditsError An internal error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrAggregationUsageNotCustom The EnableAggregations property cannot be set for levels in dimensions whose AggregationUsage property is not dimAggUsageCustom.
mderrBadParameterForServiceState Invalid service state parameter on the computer.
mderrBadRequest An internal request related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrBindError An internal bind related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrCalculateError An internal calculation related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrCanceled The specified transaction was canceled.
mderrCannotAddVirtualDimension Cannot add a virtual dimension because its source dimension is not in the database.
mderrCannotChangeRemoteServer Cannot change the RemoteServer property after it has been set.
mderrCannotCloneObjectIntoItself Cannot clone an object into itself.
mderrCannotCommitDatabase Unable to create a database on the Analysis server.
mderrCannotCreatePartition No system partition is available for this operation. System partitions have been programmatically defined as user partitions. User-defined partitions are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrCannotCreateVirtualDimensionFromAnother Cannot create a virtual dimension based on another virtual dimension.
mderrCannotDeleteDataSource At least one object has a reference to the data source, so the data source cannot be deleted.
mderrCannotDeleteDimension A dimension cannot be deleted because it is used in a cube.
mderrCannotDeleteLastPartition Cannot delete the last partition in a cube. (A cube must have at least one partition.)
mderrCannotDeleteLevel Cannot delete a level if it is used in a virtual dimension.
mderrCannotDeleteMemberProperty Cannot delete a member property if it is used in a virtual dimension.
mderrCannotEnableRealTimeUpdatesWithoutIndexedViews Cannot enable real time updates on the specified partition without indexed views.
mderrCannotExecFuncError Cannot execute a function in a user-defined function library.
mderrCannotModifySharedObject Cannot change a property of a shared dimension (or subordinate level) used in a cube.
mderrCannotRemoveMeasureFromDefaultAggregation Cannot remove a measure from an aggregation created by the partition analyzer.
mderrCannotRenameObject Only temporary objects can be renamed.
mderrCannotSaveInsideTransaction Cannot save objects inside a DSO transaction.
mderrCellCalculationsNotAvailable Calculated cells are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrChildProcessFailed A child process failed within a transaction.
mderrClassError An internal class error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrCollectionItemNotFound Raised if you try to remove an item from a collection that does not exist in the collection.
mderrCollectionReadOnly Cannot add an object to, or remove an object from, a collection that is read-only.
mderrCOMError An internal COM error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrCompatibilityError An internal compatibility related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrConnectError An error occurred while connecting to an Analysis server.
mderrCorruptedProperty A corrupted property was found while merging partitions.
mderrCorruptedRegistrySettings One or more registry settings in use by Analysis Services has been corrupted.
mderrCouldInitiateCubeUpdate Could not initiate a cube update.
mderrCouldInitiateDimensionUpdate Could not initiate a dimension update.
mderrCouldNotLockObject Raised if you try to lock an object that is already locked (by a different application).
mderrCouldNotLogMissingMemberKeyErrors Could not write errors regarding missing member key errors to the log file.
mderrCouldNotOpenService The Analysis server runs as a Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or Windows® 2000 service. This error is raised if the service could not be opened. For more information about the mderrCouldNotOpenService error, see the Microsoft Win32® API documentation.
mderrCouldNotOpenServiceControlManager The Analysis server runs as a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 service. This error is raised if the service control manager could not be opened. For more information about the mderrCouldNotOpenServiceControlManager error, see the Microsoft Win32® API documentation.
mderrCouldNotQueryTheService The Analysis server runs as a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 service. This error is raised if the service could not be queried. For more information about the CouldNotQueryTheService error, see the Microsoft Win32 API documentation.
mderrCouldNotUnLockObject The specified object could not be unlocked.
mderrCubeDimHasNoDatabaseDim The specified dimension to be associated with a cube does not have a corresponding database dimension.
mderrCubeNotProcessed The specified cube has not yet been processed.
mderrCustomRollupsNotAvailable Custom rollups are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrDataError An internal data related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrDefinitionCannotBeEmpty An empty definition was found while merging partitions.
mderrDefinitionDoesNotContainNameAndValue A definition which does not contain a name and value was found while merging partitions.
mderrDeletingTablesOutsideOfTransaction Tables cannot be deleted outside of a transaction.
mderrDifferentAggregationDatasources Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different relational data sources.
mderrDifferentAggregationNumber Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different numbers of aggregations.
mderrDifferentAggregationOLAPMode Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different storage modes.
mderrDifferentAggregationStructure Partitions cannot be merged because source and target partitions have different structures or storage modes.
mderrDifferentRemoteServers Cannot merge two partitions that are on different servers.
mderrDimensionChangingCannotAddLevel The specified changing dimension is being used in a cube, and either does not support adding a new lowest level, or it has an AggregationUsage property value other than dimAggUsageDetailsOnly and dimAggUsageStandard, and does not allow changing the top level.
mderrDimensionLockedByCube Dimension is locked because it is currently being used in a cube. Remove the dimension from the cube to unlock the dimension.
mderrDimensionMemberNotFound A member was found in the fact table, but not in the dimension.
mderrDimensionNotInUnderlyingCubes Cannot add to a virtual cube a dimension that is not in any of the cubes on which the virtual cube is based.
mderrDimensionWritebackNotAvailable Dimension writebacks are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrDuplicateKeyInCollection Cannot add to a collection an item with the same name as an item already in the collection.
mderrExecuteSQL An error occurred while attempting to execute a SQL statement against a data source.
mderrFileError An internal file system error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrFormulaError An internal formula related error has occurred.
mderrFuncNotSupportedError An unsupported function was called by a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) statement.
mderrIllegalMeasureType Invalid measure data type found in returned SQL rowset.
mderrIllegalObjectName Cannot assign an invalid name to an object.
mderrImpersonateError An internal error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrInconsistentAggregations An inconsistency has been found in the aggregations of a specified partition or partitions.
mderrInitializationFailed Processing could not be initialized on the specified DSO object.
mderrInternal An internal error occurred within the DSO library.
mderrInternetError An error occurred with a linked cube that is available through an HTTP connection.
mderrinvalidAggregateFunction An invalid aggregate function was specified.
mderrInvalidAggregationLevel An invalid aggregation level was specified.
mderrInvalidAggUsage The AggregationUsage property is incompatible with current settings for the dimension.
mderrInvalidCubeBadFactTableAlias The SourceTableAlias property is set incorrectly.
mderrInvalidCubeDrillThroughNotProperlyDefined The drillthrough options for the cube are not correctly defined.
mderrInvalidCubeInconsistentAggregations Cannot create a cube with a distinct count measure and add aggregations that are not compatible with the distinct count function.
mderrInvalidCubeMultipleDistinctCountMeasures Cannot create a cube with more than one measure with an AggregateFunction value of aggDistinctCount.
mderrInvalidCubeNoVisibleDimensions Cannot create a cube without at least one visible dimension or visible calculated member.
mderrInvalidCubeNoVisibleMeasures Cannot create a cube without at least one visible measure.
mderrInvalidDataType An invalid data type was specified.
mderrInvalidDimensionBadAreMemberKeysUnique The AreMemberKeysUnique property is set to True on a dimension with at least one level with AreMemberKeysUnique set to False.
mderrInvalidDimensionBadAreMemberNamesUnique The AreMemberNamesUnique property is set to True on a dimension with at least one level with AreMemberNamesUnique set to False.
mderrInvalidDimensionBadDependsOnDimension The DependsOnDimension property refers to a nonexistent dimension.
mderrInvalidDimensionLevelsAfterHiddenMustBeUnique Must have nonunique keys in levels that are below a hidden level.
mderrInvalidDimensionNoMemberValues Cannot create a dimension that is unrelated to the fact table and has levels without custom rollup expressions or custom rollup columns.
mderrInvalidDimensionNoVisibleLevels Cannot create a dimension without at least one visible level.
mderrInvalidDimensionParentChildInvalidLevel Cannot create a parent-child dimension that contains a non-parent-child level that is not an (All) level.
mderrInvalidDimensionParentChildLevelMissing Cannot create a parent-child dimension without a parent-child level.
mderrInvalidLevelBadCustomRollupColumn The level has an invalid value for its CustomRollupColumn property.
mderrInvalidLevelBadOrderingMemberProperty The OrderingMemberProperty for the level does not refer to a member property of the level.
mderrInvalidLevelBadParentKey A parent-child level has an invalid value for its ParentKeyColumn property.
mderrInvalidLevelBadSkippedLevelsColumn A parent-child level has an invalid value for its SkippedLevelsColumn property.
mderrInvalidLevelConflictingMemberProperties A member property has a Caption that is in use by another member property with an identical language setting.
mderrInvalidLevelGrouping The value of the Grouping property is invalid for the current dimension.
mderrInvalidLevelNamingTemplate The LevelNamingTemplate property can lead to conflicting level names and may cause problems during processing.
mderrInvalidLockType The LockType argument value specified in the LockObject method of a DSO object is invalid. For more information about valid lock types, see OlapLockTypes.
mderrInvalidMeasure An invalid measure was specified.
mderrInvalidParent An object that is not a member of a collection has no parent.
mderrInvalidPartBadFactTableAlias The SourceTableAlias property is set incorrectly.
mderrInvalidPermission An invalid member security attribute was specified in the SetPermissions method of a DSO Role object.
mderrInvalidProcessType An invalid process type was specified in the Process method of a DSO object. For more information about valid process types, see ProcessTypes.
mderrInvalidPropertySetting Cannot add an object to, or remove an object from, a collection that is read-only.
mderrInvalidRelatedColumn An invalid column name was specified in the RelatedColumn property of a DSO clsColumn object.
mderrInvalidRemotePartition The RemoteServer property is empty or contains the name of a nonexistent partition.
mderrInvalidRemoteServerName The RemoteServer property is empty or contains the name of a nonexistent server.
mderrInvalidSourceOlapObject An invalid object was specified in the SourceOlapObject property of a DSO clsColumn object.
mderrInvalidStructure The structure of the object that raised the error is invalid.
mderrInvalidTransactionOperation Unable to begin, commit, or rollback a transaction on a DSO clsDatabase object. In the case of the BeginTrans method, another transaction is in process. In the case of the CommitTrans or Rollback methods, no transaction is currently in process.
mderrInvalidVirtualDimensionMustHaveAllLevel Cannot create a virtual dimension that does not contain an (All) level.
mderrLastLevelMustBeUnique The settings for the dimension require the AreMemberKeysUnique property of the last level in the dimension to be True.
mderrLinkedCubeCannotChangeProperty Cannot change the values of the properties ColumnType and AggregationFunction for a measure in a linked cube.
mderrLinkedCubeInvalidConnectionString The ConnectionString property for the linked cube object contains incorrect or incomplete information. It must refer to a server in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services.
mderrLinkedCubeInvalidServer The publishing and subscribing servers need to be different when creating a linked cube.
mderrLinkedCubeInvalidSourceCube The name of the published cube is invalid, or the user does not have adequate permissions to query the cube.
mderrLinkedCubeNoAggregationsAllowed Aggregations are not allowed for linked cubes.
mderrLinkedCubeNotEnoughDimensions While creating a linked cube, no dimensions were found in the specified source cube.
mderrLinkedCubesNotAvailable Linked cubes are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrLinkedCubeSynchronizationFailed Linked cube structure synchronization between subscribing server and publishing server failed.
mderrListenError An internal error related to real-time updates has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrLoadDLLError An error occurred while loading a user-defined function library.
mderrLockAccessError Unable to lock an object already locked.
mderrLockCannotBeObtained Unable to obtain a lock from the server.
mderrLockDescriptionTooLong Lock description is longer than permitted.
mderrLockFileCorrupted The server reported that the lock file is corrupted.
mderrLockFileMissing The server reported that the lock file is missing.
mderrLockNetworkDown Network error.
mderrLockNetworkNameNotFound Cannot find name on the network.
mderrLockNetworkPathNotFound Cannot find this network path.
mderrLockNotEnoughMemory There is not enough memory available to create a lock on a DSO object using the LockObject method.
mderrLockObjectNotLocked Cannot unlock an object that is not locked.
mderrLockSystemError A lock cannot be obtained because of an unknown error.
mderrMeasureDoesNotHaveValidSourceColumn Cannot add a measure to a virtual cube if the name of the measure's source column is not in the correct format.
mderrMemberPropertyNotFound The member property was not found.
mderrMemoryError An internal memory related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrMergedPartitionsMustBothUseIndexedViewsOrTables Partitions to be merged must both use either indexed views or aggregation tables.
mderrMiningModelNotProcessed The mining model cannot be updated because it has not yet been processed.
mderrNameCannotBeChanged Cannot change a DSO object name unless the object is a temporary object.
mderrNameCannotBeEmpty An object cannot have an empty name.
mderrNetworkError An internal network related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrNoConnectionToServer A connection cannot be opened on the specified Analysis server.
mderrNoEntryPointError An entry point could not be found while loading a user-defined function library.
mderrObjectCantBeProcessedWithItsDimensions A dimension used by the specified DSO object has already been processed in the same transaction.
mderrObjectChangedByAnotherApp Cannot save object because it was not locked and was changed by another object.
mderrObjectIsNotWriteLocked Cannot update an object that is not write-locked.
mderrObsoleteError The reference to a DSO object has become obsolete.
mderrODBC An internal error has occurred in an ODBC data source provider.
mderrODBCError An internal ODBC related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrOSError An internal operating system related error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrPartitionMustBeProcessed The partition associated with the specified DSO object must first be processed.
mderrProcessError An internal processing error has occurred within the DSO library.
mderrPropertyCannotBeChanged Property cannot be changed in this context.
mderrPropertyCollectionCannotBeChanged An internal error occurred while merging partitions.
mderrRealTimeUpdatesNotAvailable Real-time updates are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrRegistryConnectFailed An error occurred while connecting to the registry.
mderrRegistryOpenKeyFailed An error occurred while opening a registry key.
mderrRegistryQueryValueFailed An error occurred while retrieving a value from a registry key.
mderrRemotePartitionCannotHaveWriteableDimension A remote partition cannot contain a write-enabled dimension.
mderrRepositoryConnectionFailed Object repository may be read-only.
mderrRepositoryConnectionStringChanged Another application has changed the repository connection string for the specified Analysis Server. You need to close and reopen this server connection in order to continue.
mderrRepositoryIncompatible Repository is incompatible with this version of DSO. Verify that your DSO version is compatible with your repository version.
mderrRepositoryUpgradeFailed An error occurred while attempting to update the repository for the specified Analysis server.
mderrRevertError An internal error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrROLAPDimensionsNotAvailable Relational OLAP (ROLAP) dimensions are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrROLAPDimensionsRequireROLAPPartition Cannot add a relational OLAP (ROLAP) dimension to a non-ROLAP partition.
mderrSecurityError An internal security error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrSelectError An internal SQL error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrServerInternal An internal error has occurred on the specified Analysis server.
mderrServerObjectNotFound The specified Analysis server could not be found.
mderrServerObjectNotOpened The specified Analysis server was not opened before attempting an action with an object associated with the Analysis server.
mderrSkippedLevelsNotAvailable Skipped levels and ragged hierarchies are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrSourceDoesNotExist Cannot merge partitions because the source partition does not exist.
mderrStructureHasChanged The structure of the specified object has changed.
mderrTargetDoesNotExist Cannot merge partitions because the target partition does not exist.
mderrTimeOut Connection to the Analysis server timed out.
mderrTimeoutError A timeout error has occurred on the Analysis server.
mderrTooManyDimensionMembers More than the allowed maximum of 64,000 dimension member children for a single parent member.
mderrTooManyLevelsInDimension The maximum number of ungrouped levels in a dimension is 64, that is, 63 plus an (All) level.
mderrTooManyMissingMemberKeys The maximum number of dimension key processing errors has been exceeded.
mderrUnexpectedError An unexpected internal error has occurred.
mderrUnsuccesfullServiceOperation The Analysis server service (MSSQLServerOLAPService) is not running on the specified computer.
mderrUserDefinedPartitionsNotAvailable User-defined partitions are available only if you install Analysis Services for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
mderrValidateLastLevelMustBeUnique The AreMemberKeysUnique property is set to False on the last level of a regular dimension with IsChanging set to True.