For members of a collection that is itself a collection of an object contained in another collection, you can use an intermediate object to access each collection. For example, if object dsoObject has a collection Collection1 that contains objects of type dsoObject1, and each of these has a collection Collection2 that contains objects of type dsoObject2, you can access properties of dsoObject2 objects by setting a temporary object to the intermediate dsoObject1.
Dim TempObject, TempProp
' Retrieve the first level object.
Set TempObject = dsoObject.Collection1(i)
' Retrieve the property.
TempProp = TempObject.Collection2(j).property
Access to the property directly through nested collection references is not implemented in Decision Support Objects (DSO) collections. For example, the following statement will produce an error:
TempProp = dsoObject.Collection1(i).Collection2(j).property