The Clone method of an object of ClassType clsMiningModel copies the properties and levels of an existing object to a target object of the same class type.
object.Clone(ByVal TargetObject As MiningModel, [ByVal Options As CloneOptions = cloneMajorChildren])
The mining model object whose properties are to be copied.
A previously created object of the same class type.
One of the values of the CloneOptions enumeration. If no value is specified, the cloneMajorChildren option is used. For more information, see CloneOptions.
The Clone method, depending on the clone option specified in Options, copies properties and objects to a new object with the same ClassType property value.
The following example copies the properties of dsoDMMSource to dsoDMMTarget:
'Assume an object (dsoDB) of ClassType clsDatabase exists.
Dim dsoDMMSource As DSO.MiningModel
Set dsoDMMSource = dsoDB.MiningModels("Source")
'Create target mining model and clone just the properties.
Dim dsoDMMTarget As DSO.MiningModel
Set dsoDMMTarget = dsoDB.MiningModels.AddNew("Target")
dsoDMMSource.Clone dsoDMMTarget, cloneObjectProperties