The ValidateStructure method of an object of ClassType clsMiningModel validates the structure of the object, raising an error if an invalid structure element is encountered.
The mining model object whose structure is to be validated.
The ValidateStructure method ensures that the following requirements are met for all data mining models:
For clsMiningModel objects with a SubClassType of sbclsRelational, the following additional requirement must be met:
For clsMiningModel objects with a SubClassType of sbclsOlap, the following additional requirements must be met:
The following example validates the OLAP data mining model Customer Pattern Discovery:
' Assume an object (dsoDB) of ClassType clsDatabase exists.
Dim dsoDMM As DSO.MiningModel
Set dsoDMM = dsoDB.MiningModels("Customer Pattern Discovery")
' Validate the data mining model.
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "An error occurred while" & _
" validating the mining model:" & vbCrLf & _