Use the properties pane to view the properties of the object selected in the tree pane. To display the properties pane, click Properties beneath the tree pane or click Properties from the View menu.
Each type of object contains a different set of properties. Use the properties pane to modify the property settings for the selected object. For shared dimensions, their levels, and their member properties, some properties are read-only and must be changed in Dimension Editor or by editing their source cubes in Cube Editor.
The following table describes the properties displayed in the properties pane.
Object | Property | Description |
Action | Action Type | Indicates the kind of operation performed by the action. |
Application | Stores additional information required by the application used to perform the action. | |
Caption Expression | The text displayed for an action if supported by the application used to perform the action. This is in the form of a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression. | |
Description | Displays the text string used to describe an action. | |
Invocation | Determines how the action is activated.
Name | Contains the name of the action. This property is read-only. | |
Value | Displays the syntax for the action. The syntax is in the form of an MDX expression and can include literal expressions enclosed by quotation marks. | |
Calculated member | BackColor | Indicates the background color of the displayed calculated member. To use this optional property, the client application must support its use and interpret its values. Only numeric values are valid. Virtual Cube Browser and the Virtual Cube Editor data pane do not support this property. |
FontFlags | Indicates the font flags of the displayed calculated member. To use this optional property, the client application must support its use and interpret its values. Only numeric values are valid. Virtual Cube Browser and the Virtual Cube Editor data pane do not support this property. | |
FontName | Indicates the font of the displayed calculated member. To use this optional property, the client application must support its use and interpret its values. Virtual Cube Browser and the Virtual Cube Editor data pane do not support this property. | |
FontSize | Indicates the font size of the displayed calculated member. To use this optional property, the client application must support its use and interpret its values. Only numeric values are valid. Virtual Cube Browser and the Virtual Cube Editor data pane do not support this property. | |
ForeColor | Indicates the foreground color of the displayed calculated member. To use this optional property, the client application must support its use and interpret its values. Only numeric values are valid. Virtual Cube Browser and the Virtual Cube Editor data pane do not support this property. | |
Format String | Indicates the format for displaying cell values. A list of common formats is displayed when you click Format String and display the drop-down list. This property accepts the same values as the Display Format property of measures. For more information, see Display Formats. | |
Name | Contains the name of calculated member. | |
Non Empty Behavior | Stores the name of the measure used to resolve NON EMPTY queries in MDX. If the Non Empty Behavior property is blank, the calculated member must be evaluated repeatedly to determine if a member is empty. If the Non Empty Behavior property contains the name of a measure, the calculated member is treated as empty if the specified measure is empty. | |
Parent Dimension | Lists the dimension that includes the calculated member. If the calculated member is a measure, specify Measures. | |
Parent Member | Lists the member that includes the calculated member. The parent member determines the location of the calculated member in the dimension structure. This property must be null if the parent dimension is a one-level dimension or Measures. | |
Solve Order | Indicates the order in which the calculated member is resolved in case of intersection with other calculated members. Valid values are 0 (zero) and positive or negative integers. Calculated members with lower Solve Order values have precedence in resolution. | |
Value | Contains an MDX expression that defines the values of the calculated member. The values are displayed to end users as they browse the virtual cube. | |
Visible | Determines whether the calculated member is visible in the cube or not. | |
Calculated cells | BackColor | Indicates the background color of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. |
Calculation Condition | Contains an MDX conditional expression that defines the calculation subcube cells that are computed with the calculation formula by testing each cell. | |
Calculation Subcube | Contains an MDX set expression that defines the subset of the cube data that is computed using the calculation formula. | |
Calculation Value | Contains an MDX expression that provides the value for each cell in the calculation subcube. | |
Description | Contains the text string that describes the calculated cells definition. | |
Disabled | Determines whether the cell calculation is disabled. The default value is False. | |
FontName | Indicates the font name of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. | |
FontSize | Indicates the font size of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. | |
FontFlags | Indicates the font flags of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. | |
Calculation Pass Number | Indicates the calculation pass in which this calculation is executed. | |
Calculation Pass Depth | Determines how many calculation passes are required to fully compute a calculated cells definition. | |
ForeColor | Indicates the foreground color of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. | |
Format String | Contains the format string of the cells defined by the cell coordinates and condition. | |
Name | Contains the name of the calculated cells definition. This property is read-only. | |
Solve Order | Contains a number representing the order of evaluation of the calculated cells. | |
Visible | Determines whether the calculated cells definition is visible in the schema rowset. The default value is True. | |
Cube | Default Measure | Indicates the measure that is returned by queries when no measure is displayed on an axis and no slicing measure is specified. If no default measure is specified, an arbitrary measure is the default measure. |
Description | Contains the text string used to describe the virtual cube. | |
Enable Drillthrough | Indicates whether drillthrough is enabled for the virtual cube. For more information, see Specifying Drillthrough Options. | |
Name | Contains the name of the virtual cube. | |
Visible | Indicates whether the virtual cube is visible to end users as they browse the list of available cubes. | |
Dimension | All Member Formula | Contains the custom rollup formula for the (All) level. This formula is an MDX expression that determines the All member's cell values and overrides the Aggregate Function properties of measures. For more information, see Custom Rollup Formulas and Custom Member Formulas. |
Description | Contains the text string used to describe the dimension. This property is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Name | Contains the name of the dimension. This property is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Visible | Indicates whether the dimension is visible to end users as they browse the virtual cube. | |
Level | Custom Rollup Formula | Contains an MDX expression that overrides the default rollup of values in the level. For more information, see Custom Rollup Formulas and Custom Member Formulas. |
Description | Contains the text string used to describe the level. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Disabled | Indicates whether the level is available in the cube. This property is not available for parent-child dimensions. A level whose Disabled property is Yes cannot be referenced explicitly in calculated members and other MDX expressions. | |
Name | Contains the name of the level. This property is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Visible | Indicates whether the level is visible to end users as they browse the cube. To set this property to False, you must first set the Member Keys Unique property of all lower levels to True. The Visible property is not available for parent-child dimensions. Unlike other objects whose Visible property is False, a level cannot be explicitly referenced in calculated members and other MDX expressions. | |
Measure | Aggregate Function | Contains the function used to aggregate measure values. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. |
Data Type | Indicates the data type of the columns that store measure values in aggregations. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Description | Contains the text string used to describe the measure. | |
Display Format | Indicates the format of the measure values displayed to end users as they browse the virtual cube. For more information, see Display Formats. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Name | Contains the name of the measure. The name is displayed to end users as they browse the virtual cube. | |
Source Cube | Lists the source cube from which the selected measure's values are obtained. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Source Measure | Lists the source measure from which the selected measure's values are obtained. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Visible | Indicates whether the measure is visible to end users as they browse the virtual cube. If this value is False for a measure in a source cube, this property is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Member property | Caption | Contains the caption used to display the member property. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. |
Data Size | Indicates the maximum number of characters allowed in the column that stores the member property values. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Data Type | Indicates the data type of the column that stores the member property values. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Description | Contains the text string used to describe the member property. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Language | Identifies the client language of the member property. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Name | Contains the name of the member property. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Source Column | Contains the column in one of the dimension tables for the dimension that contains the member property that stores the values of the member property. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Type | Indicates to client applications of the type of information in the member property values. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Visible | Indicates whether the member property is visible to end users as they browse the virtual cube. This is read-only in Virtual Cube Editor. | |
Named set | Name | Contains the name of the named set. |
Value | Contains the MDX expression of the named set. |