Analysis Services

Finish (Virtual Cube Wizard)

In this final step of the wizard, you name the virtual cube.


Virtual cube name

Type a name unique to the database for the new virtual cube. You can enter a maximum of 50 characters for the virtual cube name. The name must begin with an alphabetical character.

Process now

Select this option to process the virtual cube when you click Finish. If the structure of a component cube has changed since the last time it was processed, the cube is processed along with the virtual cube; component cube processing may take considerable time.

Save and don't process now

Select this option to postpone virtual cube processing to a later time. You must process the virtual cube before it can be used.


Click to save your settings and optionally process the cube. If you selected Process now, clicking Finish displays the Process dialog box, where you can view the progress of the operation.

See Also

Virtual Cubes