Analysis Services

Properties Pane (Relational Mining Model Editor)

Use the properties pane in Relational Mining Model Editor to view properties associated with the relational data mining model and its data mining model columns.

The following table describes the features of the properties pane.

Feature Description
Properties button Shows or hides the properties pane.
Basic tab Shows the most commonly used properties, such as Name and Description, for the mining model and mining model columns.
Advanced tab Displays advanced properties, such as Distribution and Content Type, used to further define the mining model columns.
Description Displays the name and a brief explanation of the property selected in the properties pane.

Basic Properties

The Basic tab is used to display and, optionally, edit the most commonly viewed properties for data mining models and data mining columns. The following table describes the properties displayed in the Basic tab in more detail, and it indicates the data mining object (data mining model or data mining column) to which the property applies.

Property Description Applicable objects
Name The name of the selected data mining model or column. This property is read-only for data mining models. Both
Description The description of the selected data mining model or column. Both
Mining Algorithm The data mining algorithm provider for the selected data mining model. Data mining model
Are Keys Unique Whether the key columns in the data mining model uniquely identify records in the source case table. Data mining model
Is Case Key Whether the data mining column is used as a key column in the data mining model. This property must be set to False before you can delete the column. Data mining column
IsNestedKey Whether the data mining column is used as a key column for a nested table in the data mining model. This property must be set to False before you can delete the column. Data mining nested table column
Source Column The name of the source column in the case or supporting table. Data mining column
Data Type The data type of the data mining column. This setting must be compatible with the data mining algorithm provider that is being used. The data types and algorithms that Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services supports are documented in the OLE DB for Data Mining specification. For more information about the OLE DB for Data Mining specification, see the Microsoft OLE DB Web page at the Microsoft Web site. For data types supported by data mining algorithm providers, see the data mining algorithm provider documentation. Data mining column
Usage Whether the data mining column is used as an input column, a predictable column, or both. This property is read-only for key columns. Data mining column
Additional Parameters A comma-delimited list of provider-specific mining parameter names and values. For mining parameters supported by data mining algorithm providers, see the data mining algorithm provider documentation. Data mining model

Advanced Properties

The Advanced tab displays advanced properties for data mining models and data mining columns, such as relation column information and distribution. The following table describes these advanced properties in more detail.

Property Description Applicable objects
Related To For relation columns, the name of the column to which the selected data mining column is related. It is read-only for key columns. When this property is set for a column, the Usage property is changed to match the value of the related column. Data mining column
Distribution The distribution flag, such as NORMAL or UNIFORM, of the data mining column. It is read-only for key columns. Data mining column
Content Type The content type, such as DISCRETE or ORDERED, for the data mining column. It is read-only for key columns. Data mining column
Data Options The model flag, such as MODEL_EXISTENCE_ONLY or NOT NULL, of the data mining column. It is read-only for key columns. Data mining column