Analysis Services

Environment Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to change performance and memory settings.


Maximum number of threads

Set the number of threads that can simultaneously use the CPUs in the server computer.

Default: two times the number of CPUs in the server computer.

Valid range: 1-1000.

To change the maximum number of threads, in the Maximum number of threads box, specify the maximum number. Only integers are valid.

Large level defined as

Set the minimum number of members a dimension level must contain to be processed as a large level.

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services classifies dimension levels into large and small categories based on the number of level members. These two categories are processed differently. For example, large levels are not sent to the client unless they are specifically requested, but small levels are sent to the client even if the entire level is not requested.

Default: 1,000 members.

Valid range: 1-10,000 members.

To change the definition of large levels, in the Large level defined as box, specify the minimum number of members a dimension level must contain to be processed as a large level. Only integers are valid.

Minimum allocated memory

Set the amount of memory allocated exclusively to Analysis Services. Actual memory usage may exceed this value.

Default: one-half of the server computer's memory.

To change the amount of memory allocated to Analysis Services, in the Minimum allocated memory box, specify the allocated memory in megabytes (MB). Only integers are valid.

Memory conservation threshold

Set the memory threshold near which memory usage decreases. When the amount of memory used by Analysis Services approaches this threshold, usage decreases as memory management becomes more efficient. Actual memory usage may exceed this value unless the default value is used.

Default: all of server computer's memory.

To change the threshold for memory usage, in the Memory conservation threshold box, specify the threshold in MB. Only integers are valid.