Analysis Services

Properties Pane (OLAP Mining Model Editor)

Use the properties pane in OLAP Mining Model Editor to view properties associated with the OLAP data mining model and its data mining columns.

The following table describes the features of the properties pane.

Feature Description
Properties button Use this button to show or hide the properties pane.
Basic tab The Basic tab shows the most commonly used properties, such as Name and Description, for the OLAP data mining model and mining model columns.
Description This area of the properties pane displays the name and brief explanation of a property selected in the Basic tab.

Basic Properties

The Basic tab is used to display and, optionally, edit the most commonly viewed properties for OLAP data mining models and data mining columns. The following table describes the properties displayed in the Basic tab in more detail for each type of object, such as mining model, dimension, level, member property, and measure, that can be selected in the structure pane.

Property Description Applicable objects
Name The name of the selected object. This property is read-only. All
Description The description of the selected object. This property is not available for dimensions whose Case Dimension property is True, and is read-only for levels whose Case Level property is True. All
Source Object The source object from the cube associated with the OLAP data mining model. All, except data mining model
Usage Determines how the object will be used in the OLAP data mining model. For more information about the usage types, see structure pane (OLAP Mining Model Editor). This property is not available for dimensions whose Case Dimension property is True, and is read-only for levels whose Case Level property is True. All
Source Cube The source cube associated with the OLAP data mining model. Data mining model
Mining Algorithm The name of the mining algorithm provider used by the OLAP data mining model. Data mining model
Additional Parameters A comma-delimited list of mining parameters and values for the OLAP data mining model. Data mining model
Case Dimension Indicates whether or not the dimension provides the case set to be used by the OLAP data mining model. Dimension
Case Level Indicates whether or not the level provides the case set to be used by the OLAP data mining model. Level
Cluster Count The number of clusters the algorithm identifies. Data mining model