Use the structure pane in OLAP Mining Model Editor to review and change the structure of an OLAP data mining model. The structure pane provides a graphical representation of the usage of each dimension, level, member property, and measure in the cube associated with the OLAP data mining model, as shown in the following diagram.
The check boxes beside each cube element in the structure pane indicate whether the cube element is used to define the OLAP data mining model. Depending on the setting of the Case Dimension, Case Level, or Usage properties, the checked cube elements are used to create data mining columns of various usage types.
The following table describes the data mining column usage types in more detail.
Column type | Description |
Input | The dimension, level, member property, or measure is used by the OLAP data mining model as an attribute column, to supply input for the case set. |
Predictable | The dimension, level, member property, or measure is used by the OLAP data mining model as a predictive column, to supply output for the case set. |
Input and predictable | The dimension, level, member property, or measure is used by the OLAP data mining model as an attribute column, to supply both input and output for the case set. |