Analysis Services

Mining Model Role Manager

Use this tool to create, edit, and maintain mining model roles.

A mining model role applies to only a single model. A role is created when you assign a role to a mining model by selecting the role in Mining Model Role Manager. This grants the role's users access to the model. The name and default values of a model role are derived from the database role with the same name.

In Mining Model Role Manager, each row whose check box is selected in the list displays a role. Users in these roles can access the model whose name appears in the title bar. These roles can be maintained within Mining Model Role Manager.

Each unchecked row displays a role not assigned to the mining model. Only users who are members of the selected roles can access the model.

To grant users in a database role access to the model, select the check box beside the role. To assign a role to the mining model, select the check box beside the role. This creates a mining model role with the same name as the database role.

The roles assigned to the model are listed first, followed by the roles that are not assigned to mining models (that is, the remaining database roles). Each category is sorted alphabetically by the role names in the Role column.

Mining Model Role Manager appears when, in the Analysis Manager tree pane, you right-click either a mining model roles icon or a mining model icon, and then click Manage Roles.



Select a check box next to a role to determine whether it can access the model listed in the title bar of Mining Model Role Manager. Only roles whose check boxes are selected can access the model.


View role names.


Modify the Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0 or Windows® 2000 users and groups in each role.

To change the membership of a mining model role, right-click the Membership column and click Edit, or click the edit (...) button to display the Mining Model Role dialog box.

Note  Changes in this tab propagate to the database role and cube roles with the same name as the edited mining model role.


View the description of each role.


Use to limit the roles displayed in the list. By default, All roles is displayed, but you can limit by a user name or group name in the roles. To limit by a user name or group name in the roles, in the box beside Show, select Roles containing users. In the next box, type the user name or group name, or type part of a name, and then click the magnifying glass button.


Click to display the Mining Model Role dialog box, where you can create and add a new mining model role. When you create a new role, a database role with the same name and specifications is also created.


Click to display the Mining Model Role dialog box, where you can edit this role.


Click to display the Duplicate Role dialog box, where you can supply a name for a new role based on the selected mining model role. When you create a new mining model role in this way, a database role with the same name and specifications is also created.