Use this tool to view data in a cube.
Cube Browser organizes the cube data in the data viewing pane. The default view in the data viewing pane shows the data in table format with one dimension across the column headings and another dimension down the left column. Measures are treated as a single dimension for this purpose. The remaining dimensions of the cube are displayed in the data slicing pane.
The white cells in the data viewing pane represent the measure values according to the members that appear in the members boxes for all the dimensions shown in the data slicing pane. In the preceding example, the measure values reflect the
Cube Browser is displayed when you perform one of the following actions:
To browse the cube data in the data viewing pane by any combination of dimensions, drag measures or dimensions from the data slicing pane onto either axis in the data viewing pane.
To replace a dimension in the data viewing pane with another dimension
The pointer is in the correct position when it appears like this:
The dimension in the data viewing pane moves up to the data slicing pane and the new one takes its place.
To move a dimension to the data viewing pane
The pointer is in the correct position when it appears like this:
The new dimension appears under (or beside) the existing dimension, expanding your data viewing pane.
To change the order of dimensions in the data viewing pane
To remove a dimension from the data viewing pane
To drill down into a member
Only the member you double-click is expanded. The other members retain their current levels in the data viewing pane. In the following example, double-click the Drink member to drill down into its child members.
If you want to display all the members in a level, double-click the parent level name in the data viewing pane. Level names are depicted with the shading of a button (for example, Product Family in the preceding example).
To slice through a dimension
Cube Browser has an internal memory limit that you may reach if you attempt to browse too much data or drill down too deeply. When you reach the limit, the following message is displayed:
Unable to display current view of cube.
Unable to Allocate Memory For Flexgrid.
The limit cannot be increased by adding or allocating more memory. If you reach the limit, reduce the amount or depth of data you are attempting to browse or use another browser.