Analysis Services

Creating Shared Dimensions

Dimensions are descriptive categories by which the numeric data (that is, measures) in a cube can be separated for analysis. For example, if the measure of a cube is Cost, and its dimensions are Time, Supplier, and Item Description, users of the cube can separate Cost into various categories of Time, Supplier, and Item Description.

A shared dimension is a dimension available to multiple cubes in a database. You should create shared dimensions for common dimensions, such as Time, that will be added to multiple cubes. You can create a shared dimension by using the Dimension Wizard or Dimension Editor, and you have the option of creating a shared dimension to store results of a data mining analysis when creating an OLAP mining model.

The following topics describe the creation of regular shared dimensions.

Topic Description
Creating a Shared Dimension with the Wizard Describes the steps in the Dimension Wizard that create regular shared dimensions.
Creating a Shared Dimension with the Editor Describes the steps in Dimension Editor you use to create new shared dimensions.
Creating Virtual Dimensions Provides information about virtual dimensions, which are dimensions based on columns or member properties.
Viewing Dimension Data Describes how to browse data using Dimension Browser.

See Also

Mining Model Wizard