Analysis Services

Levels of End-User Security

End-user security can be enforced at several levels of detail. These levels are summarized in the following table, sorted from least detailed to most detailed.


For more information
Server Required Controls whether an end user can connect to an Analysis server with a client application. Server Security and Authentication
Database Required Determines which Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services databases a connected end user can view. Database Security
Cube/Mining Model Required Determines which cubes or mining models a connected end user can view. Cube Security
Dimension member Optional Limits the dimension members that a connected end user can view. It can provide read/write access to write-enabled dimensions and limit the members that an end user can update. Dimension Security
Cell Optional Limits the cube cells that a connected end user can view. It can provide read/write access to write-enabled cubes and limit the cells that an end user can update. Cell Security