Analysis Services

Multiple Dimension Custom Rules Applied to an End User

If, on an Analysis server, an end user is included in multiple cube roles that contain custom rules for dimension security, it is not always possible to resolve the combination of the custom rules. The easiest way to test whether and how the combination is resolved is to perform the following procedure.

To test the combination of multiple custom rules for dimension security

  1. In the Analysis Manager tree pane, under the database that contains the cube roles, expand the Cubes folder.

  2. Right-click the cube to which the cube roles apply, and then click Manage Roles.

  3. In Cube Role Manager, limit the list to roles that contain the end user's user name:
    1. Next to Show, in the first box, select Roles containing users.

    2. In the next box, type the user name.

    3. Click the magnifying glass button.
  4. Select the cube roles that contain the end user:
    1. Click the first cube role in the list.

    2. While you hold down SHIFT, click the last cube role in the list.
  5. Click Test Role. Cube Browser is displayed to simulate the browsing experience of the end user. If the combination of the custom rules cannot be resolved, an error message is displayed.

  6. In Cube Browser, drag restricted dimensions to the data viewing pane and drill down to identify the allowed and denied levels and members.