Analysis Services

Analysis Server:Query Dims Object

The following table lists performance counters from the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services Query Dims object. The Query Dims object counters provide information about processing queries dimensions.

Query Dims object counters Description
Bytes/sec Count of sending bytes per second.
Current requests Current number of requests for part of the member tree or for member properties.
Members/sec Count of sending members per second.
Requests/sec Rate of requests for part of the member tree or for member properties. Consider increasing Large Level Threshold if this counter is excessive.
Total bytes Accumulating count of bytes sent.
Total members Total number of requests for part of the member tree or for member properties.
Total requests Accumulating count of requests.
Total VLDM requests Accumulating count of Very Large Dimension Manager (VLDM) requests sent.
VLDM requests/sec Count of VLDM requests per second.

See Also

Monitoring Analysis Services Performance