Analysis Services

Using MDX with Analysis Services

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is used in a variety of administrative tasks. You can use MDX to create the following items.


For more information, see
Action An end user-initiated operation upon a selected cube or portion of a cube. Actions
Calculated member A dimension member whose value is calculated at run time using an expression that you specify when you define the calculated member. Calculated Members
Calculated cells An expression that determines the cube cell values associated with a specific selection of cells. The expression overrides the aggregate functions of measures. Calculated Cells
Named set A set of dimension members or a set expression that is created for reuse, for example, in MDX queries. Named Sets
Custom rollup formula An expression that determines the cube cell values associated with the members of a dimension level. The expression overrides the aggregate functions of measures. Custom Rollup Formulas and Custom Member Formulas
Custom member formula An expression that determines the cube cell values associated with a member. The expression overrides the aggregate functions of measures. Custom Rollup Formulas and Custom Member Formulas
Custom rule in dimension security A rule that specifies the dimension levels and members that can be accessed by a role. Custom Rules in Dimension Security
Custom rule in cell security A rule that specifies the cube cells that can be accessed by a role. Custom Rules in Cell Security

For more information about MDX, see MDX.