Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services supports many functions in the Microsoft Excel worksheet library, which is automatically registered if installed on the computer with Analysis Services. Functions not supported in this release are marked by an asterisk in this table.
Acos | Acosh | And | *Application |
Asc | Asin | Asinh | Atan2 |
Atanh | AveDev | Average | BetaDist |
BetaInv | BinomDist | Ceiling | ChiDist |
ChiInv | ChiTest | Choose | Clean |
Combin | Confidence | Correl | Cosh |
Count | CountA | *CountBlank | *CountIf |
Covar | *Creator | CritBinom | *DAverage |
Days360 | Db | Dbcs | *DCount |
*DCountA | Ddb | Degrees | DevSq |
*DGet | *DMax | *DMin | Dollar |
*DProduct | *DStDev | *DStDevP | *DSum |
*DVar | *DVarP | Even | ExponDist |
Fact | FDist | Find | FindB |
FInv | Fisher | FisherInv | Fixed |
Floor | Forecast | *Frequency | FTest |
Fv | GammaDist | GammaInv | GammaLn |
GeoMean | *Growth | HarMean | *HLookup |
HypGeomDist | *Index | Intercept | Ipmt |
Irr | IsErr | IsError | IsLogical |
IsNA | IsNonText | IsNumber | Ispmt |
IsText | Kurt | Large | *LinEst |
Ln | Log | Log10 | *LogEst |
LogInv | LogNormDist | *Lookup | Match |
Max | *MDeterm | Median | Min |
*MInverse | MIrr | *MMult | Mode |
NegBinomDist | NormDist | NormInv | NormSDist |
NormSInv | NPer | Npv | Odd |
Or | *Parent | Pearson | Percentile |
PercentRank | Permut | Pi | Pmt |
Poisson | Power | Ppmt | Prob |
Product | Proper | Pv | Quartile |
Radians | *Rank | Rate | Replace |
ReplaceB | Rept | Roman | Round |
RoundDown | RoundUp | RSq | Search |
SearchB | Sinh | Skew | Sln |
Slope | Small | Standardize | StDev |
StDevP | StEyx | Substitute | *Subtotal |
Sum | *SumIf | SumProduct | SumSq |
SumX2MY2 | SumX2PY2 | SumXMY2 | Syd |
Tanh | TDist | Text | TInv |
Transpose | *Trend | Trim | TrimMean |
TTest | USDollar | Var | VarP |
Vdb | *VLookup | Weekday | Weibull |
ZTest |