Analysis Services

Visual Basic for Applications Functions

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services supports many functions in the Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications Expression Services library. This library is included with Analysis Services and automatically registered. Functions not supported in this release are marked by an asterisk in this table.

For more information about syntax and examples of these functions, search on the function name in the MSDN® Library at the Microsoft Web site.

Abs *Add *AppActivate Array
Asc AscB AscW Atn
*Beep *Calendar *CallByName CBool
CByte Ccur CDate CDbl
*CDec *ChDir *ChDrive Choose
Chr *ChrB ChrW CInt
*Clear CLng *Command Cos
*Count *CreateObject CSng CStr
*CurDir Cvar CVDate *CVErr
Date DateAdd DateDiff DatePart
DateSerial DateValue Day DDB
*DeleteSetting *Description *Dir *DoEvents
*Environ *EOF *Err *Error
Exp *FileAttr *FileCopy *FileDateTime
FileLen *Filter Fix Format
*FormatCurrency *FormatDateTime *FormatNumber *FormatPercent
*FreeFile FV *GetAllSettings *GetAttr
*GetObject *GetSetting *HelpContext *HelpFile
Hex Hour IIf *IMEStatus
*Input *InputB *InputBox InStr
InStrB *InStrRev Int IPmt
*IRR *IsArray IsDate IsEmpty
IsError *IsMissing IsNull IsNumeric
IsObject *Item *Join *Kill
*LastDllError LCase Left LeftB
Len LenB *Loc *LOF
Log LTrim Mid MidB
Minute *MIRR *MkDir Month
*MonthName *MsgBox Now NPer
*NPV *Number Oct Partition
Pmt PPmt PV QBColor
*Raise *Randomize Rate *Remove
*Replace *Reset RGB Right
RightB *RmDir Rnd Round
RTrim *SaveSetting Second *Seek
*SendKeys *SetAttr Sgn *Shell
Sin SLN *Source Space
*Split Sqr Str StrComp
String *StrReverse Switch SYD
Tan Time Timer TimeSerial
TimeValue Trim TypeName UCase
Val *VarType Weekday *WeekdayName
*Width Year