Analysis Services


Returns a value generated by rolling up the values of the children of a specified member using the specified unary operator.


RollupChildren(«Member», «String Expression»)


The RollupChildren function rolls up the values of the children of the member specified in «Member», using the unary operator specified in «String Expression».

The following table describes the valid unary operators for this function.

Operator Result
+ total = total + current child
- total = total - current child
* total = total * current child
/ total = total / current child
% total = (total / current child) * 100
~ Child is not used in the rollup. Its value is ignored.

If the operator in the member property does not appear in the list, an error occurs. The order of evaluation is determined by the order of the siblings (not by the precedence of the operators).


The following example uses the default unary operator for each child member to create the rollup for the parent member:

RollupChildren(Location.CurrentMember, Location.CurrentMember.Properties("UNARY_OPERATOR"))