As with named sets and calculated members, the WITH keyword is also used to create query level caches, usable for the lifetime of a single query. The following syntax is used to add the WITH keyword to the MDX SELECT statement:
[WITH <formula_specification>]
[, <formula_specification>]
SELECT [<axis_specification>
[, <axis_specification>...]]
FROM [<cube_specification>]
[WHERE [<slicer_specification>]]
The <formula_specification>
value for caches is further broken out in the following syntax definition:
<formula_specification> ::= CACHE AS '(<set>[, <set>...])'
The <set>
value is the set expression used to create the cache. The <set>
value can support the use of MDX set functions.
When using the <set>
set expression for constructing a cache, the following rules apply:
must contain members from only one dimension. Each member must be distinct. <set>
must be from a different dimension.<set>
cannot contain measures.